You Probably Blew it Already

Alright you did it yesterday along with 7 billion other people. You made a bucket of New Years resolutions and a laundry list of all these great changes you are going to make in your life starting today. However, by mid next week those resolutions and changes will be a distant memory. Heck, you might have blown it already! Did you know most New Years resolutions have a lifespan of only 4 days, that’s terrible. Only the poor little Mayfly has a shorter lifespan, which is approximately 75 min, than your resolution does.

The Mayfly. These two mayflies are making the most of their 75 minutes on earth by romancing each other, how sweet. Although it wont last long for them its still longer than a Kim Kardashian relationship.


There are direct reasons why your resolution is doomed for failure. Change really sucks when you think about it. We can do it but our DNA doesn’t make it easy on us. Below are 5 things to make sure you don’t Mayfly your resolution this time around.

One Goal One Vision. – Multitasking blows . Research shows that every time you shift your attention from one task to the next, the amount of time it takes to complete the first task increases by 25 percent. The more goals you have, the more difficult it will be to achieve them . The extra time and effort it take to multitask your goals will take time away from the most important achievement you desire. If you have more than one resolution, you’re almost destined to fail and every time you fail, you’re less likely to ever try again. Stick with one goal, one vision.

Hold yourself accountable. When we break commitments in life, there are consequences. Your resolution is a commitment to yourself, so there should be a cost if you don’t follow through. The higher the consequence the less likely we are to fail at the task. You have to have a certain degree of “skin in the game” to take the resolution seriously. Your resolutions should not be like video games where if you screw up you just hit reset.

Relax. In the above I mention it is important to hold yourself accountable but don’t overdue it. You don’t want to go overboard and be mean or self sabotage your efforts. I’m not proud to admit it but in my younger years as a trader my “self talk” was awful. I would curse at myself, and call myself names repeatedly. That self destructive behavior to myself ended up spilling into the lives of the people around me and I became a miserable person to be next to. Although I can still be miserable to be around at times I am long removed from personally insulting myself over failure. You can hold yourself accountable without feeling inadequate as a person.
Measure Effort . We have become an instant gratification society. When we want something we wanted it yesterday. If people do not see immediate results they are most likely to give up. However, if we think about all the great things we have achieved in life I would bet most of those achievements did not come easy. Greatness is a journey not a sprint. Research shows it takes approximately 30 days to commit to change. The first month is always the hardest but after that it will become easier for you

Find a friend. Your life will be magnified by the people you surround yourselk with. It sounds so easy to get rid of that jack ass negative friend but it seems like we quickly find another to take their place. It helps to find someone who may have went through a very similar situation as you to not only share their experience but to support you through yours. People are more forthcoming with help and assistance than we give them credit for. Although you may feel that you are the only person on the planet tha cant complete a goal or the only person a certain situation happens to trust me you are not. You would be surprised on how many people share in the same struggles as you have.

As we make resolutions and goals we must be reasonable with our time frames and expectations. Its important to reward yourself along the way and if you are struggling to stay committed to the resolution take a moment to be thankful for what you have been able to achieve in your life and As I said change is a pain in the ass but why would we want it any other way. If everything was easy in life that would take all the fun out of it. Stay strong and have a great 2014!

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